Friday, July 5, 2013

Breaking the Coded Scriptures to Inspire You

Its been a while, hasn't it?  Yes, I know, but now I am redirecting my energy to write again.  Not only do I hope someone is blessed by it, but I know it helps me as well so here we go.

I read morning scriptures to get me going, and there are times, many times when I have to stop at what I read, so that I can get an accurate understanding.  This is where studying comes in handing because I am  open to dig deep and break the code of parable writings. For the record, I do have a spiritual mentor and temple I attend on a regular basis.  So, this is just to mention the importance of having a leader for guidance.

Let's consider:

Psalm 5:1 Give ear to my words, O Lord, consider my meditation.
Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my King, and my God: for unto thee will I pray.
My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up.

David who was a keeper of sheep and was elevated to king wrote this psalm unto His creator.
He meditates, cries out and prays. If you notice he says first for the LORD to consider his meditation and hearken (take action) concerning his cry.  Maybe he seemed a bit uncertain of what he was asking to be done at that time. You may notice that after he shifts and is praying unto the LORD, he becomes certain that he will be heard at the moment of enlightenment (morning) looking up (taking his focus off of the current situation and praying the solution not the problem).

When we pray, we are looking for a solution, and it is not in the night (midst of the problem we are facing). So we should never pray the problem.  For example:  Do cry out, "O I'm in pain, help me." or "O these bills are too high, please help me LORD."  We are to direct our prayer unto Him.  Instead pray, "Your word says, His stripes I am healed."  or "Your word says,  "You are my Shepard, I shall not want, so I thank you for making a way to have these bills payed". Then continue to thank Him for the answer and it shall surely come as long as you don't doubt.

Be encouraged....

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