Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Will of Our Mind!

Have you ever desired something so much that you did everything in your power to get it? Well if it worked for that then it can work for anything. When we will to do something, we put the totality of our being into it. This is what separates those who are successful in life from those who aren't. It's not about failing, it's about working through failure to revise your plan and make it work....Einstein didn't stop at his failure, he continued to the end because he willed to accomplish his, what is today a famous invention. We are walking in the fulfilled dream of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. What shall we will to do until it impacts the world? Go for it!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Rid Your Mind of the Craftiness of Procrastination!

Procrastination has become set in the minds of so many people unconsciously. Have you ever said, "I'll wait and do that tomorrow. Oh, I got sidetracked! I was distracted. Oh, I forgot." Just to name a few. All these statements are results of some form of procrastination. Believe it or not. We have so much going on in our heads of what to do. No one is that smart to remember everything, every goal set out to accomplish in a day, week, month, etc. This is why we should plan our days, especially the night before without making a list that is impossible to accomplish. Make the list by order of importance and check your list during the course of the day, crossing off that which you completed. You will definitely defeat procrastination.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Follow the Ideas that Come to Mind!

I was traveling over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge a few weeks ago and thought to myself about the minds that came together to build such a bridge. Then, just a few days ago, I was traveling over the Manhattan Bridge and really took the time to look at the construction of it. The ideas were placed in the minds of men, with a plan on how to strategically put these wonderful discoveries into action for us to enjoy the pleasure of getting to Virginia, Brooklyn, etc. without taking a boat across the waters that separate the lands. The AWESOME thing about this is, the same Creator that gave these men that vision is the same one who dwells on the inside of all of us. So, once we began to acknowledge who we are, ideas and visions that come to us, we will no longer take them for granted, but began to write them down and take action, sharing our completed masterpiece with the world. Stop despising the ideas or hutches that come to your mind! Use them to make your way prosperous.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Your Vision Lived By Someone Else!

Has an idea ever pop up in your mind? You may have thought, "Wow, that's a great idea. No one's doing this." This wonderful idea came and went. You may have shared it with a few people, with no real meaning behind it. Then, it was taken away by the wind. Why? That's as far as it went for you. Just like the words of someone who you really don't desire to listen one ear and out of the other. Well as that thought/vision/dream was given to you and you ignored it, the wind carried it into the mind of someone who actually took the time to do something with it. Some years went by and you saw your idea advertised on TV or being sold in a store. How did you feel? Well this has has happened to me a few times and I thought, "If I had just paid more attention, I would be the one getting paid for inventing the idea I ignored. So next time a wonderfull thought comes to mind and no one is doing it. It is for you to do something. Use the power of your mind to make the vision/dream a reality and don't let it slip.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Thoughts That Connect!

Have you ever thought of something and someone spoke it? Have you ever spoke words to someone and they said, "I was just thinking that"? Have you ever called someone at the point in their life when they needed a listening ear? Have you ever given someone something and they said, "This is just what I needed"? What is it that's so AWESOME about the mind if we are sensitive to it, we can tune into other people's desires without even knowing we are. That is the wonder of all creation and it is beautiful. The marvelous thing is we are are woven with the same cloth, thus being connected.

Friday, June 10, 2011

I Can or I Can't.....It's Your Perception!

The person who says "he can" and the person who says, "he can't", are both right. This is the power of the mind. Whatever we perceive in our minds will be in our reality and yet manifest as so. We can be conscious of it or not. The great thing about it is we have the power to focus our thoughts on the desires of the heart. Many times we look at circumstances and name it according to what we see in the beginning, especially if we don't quite understand.

A few weeks ago I had a talk with my sister who started a new job and she complained about how hard it was, what she didn't understand, yada, yada , yada. With anything new, one must grasp the concept of how it works. The truth of the matter is people have lazy minds. I told her to change her perception. Just be grateful for the opportunity and say, "It will come easy, it will be no problem to catch on". Well she took my advice, called me back within a few weeks to tell me that her manager called her in the office to give her the surprising news of a raise in her salary. She is still in her probation period. She couldn't believe it. What happened? She changed her perception, focused the "easy to grasp" concept, caught on quickly and was noticed by her supervisor. If she can do it anyone can...

She changed her "I can't" to "I can"! It works every time!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Opposites Don't Attract!

I've been hearing this saying, "opposites attract" for years. Whoever came up with that concept must have been in denial of the negativity they were confronted with by the person who was just showing them an image of themselves. Many times we don't see our flaws because we don't desire to look in the mirror/eyes of someone in our lives to show us the truth. Take a moment and really look in the eyes of someone you know. You will be able to see yourself. Opposites repel and like attracts like. Let's uncover the mask we wear and be real with ourselves. No one or no thing outside of your true being can affect you, but only magnetize that within you that reflects an identical image, attitude/personality. We must check ourselves before we check others. It may be something about your boss you "can't stand" because it magnetizes the very personality in you.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Miracle Mind of Babies

I know we watch babies grow quickly from birth to their first birthday. But do you ever marvel of how ingenious their minds are and their ability to learn so much within that year. It's amazing all the growth changes they go through with no question of how to do it. They watch, listen, learn and do no matter how many times they fail. Babies never give up! They fail quite a bit ex: learning to grasp the concept of crawling-they begin with not knowing how to do anything for themselves and as time goes on they lift up their heads, begin to flip themselves over, slide or pull themselves with their hands and incorporate their legs discovering that it works easier if they bend their knees. They've got it, now they are crawling. That's only one thing out of the many-they learn to walk, talk, run, jump, read, use the bathroom, color, write, build, etc. all by watching us. What a marvel mind of babies.

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Power of the Mind to Build!

Have you ever just took the time to think about the many luxuries made available to us that we may take for granted? Just to name a few: the bathtub, stove, home/shelter, car, street lights, highways, etc...... I'm quite sure you can add to this very small list. The most amazing thing about it is, all these inventions have been in the mind of man, who decided to bring it into existence. Everything we use in life is the answer to a problem that many people encountered at one point and time.

I was amazed at the machinery used to tear down a house. It's awesome to see how someone actually created and built a machine to do such a "monstrous task". Now my question is, what's in your mind waiting for you to get to work so the world can enjoy?

Saturday, May 7, 2011

You Are a Concept of Your Thoughts!

Whatever we have in our life is a product of our thoughts. You may say that's not true because my life is like hell! Well, if that's the case, you have been giving your attention to thoughts that are equivalent to that of a hellish state. You may not be conscious of it, but whatever you constantly think about becomes your reality. Take the good with the bad. We must stop blaming others and take responsibility for our lives. Then and only then can we began to make changes, first with our own thoughts. The powerful thing about the mind is that we can create any reality we desire and if constantly nurtured, the thought, then the reality we will soon experience. Now that's a mindmarvel. We have the power in your head, use it wisely!

Friday, April 29, 2011


Joy is a concept of the inner part of you and I. It's not based upon external conditions (what happens around us)--that happiness. Happiness deals with our emotions that fluctuate depending on what events take place in our lives. Joy, on the other hand, can only be experienced if we make up in our mind that we will not allow the challenges in life to deter us from loving the pleasantness of just being who we are outside of the chaos that can come with our lives. It's a mind over matter decision. Make it!